44kgs on the way to SA!
In more positive Plastic Free July news, we’ve just sent off another big batch of plastic bread tags to Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs.
A solid effort from all our local collectors, 44kgs made their way to South Australia this week. Well done everyone!
Now is a good time to remind everyone that we can only collect plastic bread tags for the recycling process that is undertaken as part of the fantastic work that ABTfW do.
With more cardboard tags on products now, it’s important you check what you’re collecting before bringing them to us.
You can still do good things with your cardboard ones if you collect them separately in a paper bag / envelope and add them to your household recycling.
We’re looking forward to starting the next collection to continue this great work with you all!
If you want to become a local collector you can order a special box for pick up at Span. Click through here to get your box and join our amazing community.!
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