Grow It, Cook It
Span has an extensive community garden and likes to share and use the produce in our classes and with the community. The garden is going from strength to strength in its varied produce, engagement with the community and developing new sustainable activities that not only benefit Span and our participants but the whole community. Our cooking tutors are skilled and experienced with wonderful imaginations and like to try new and different combinations.
Adult, Community Further Education (ACFE) Please call Span to see if your eligible. ACFE fees cannot be paid through a NDIS plan.
Span is resourced to fund NDIS clients with mild disabilities. Span is not a NDIS provider but provides activities under NDIS plans.
Cooking for All Abilities
Tutor Julie Tripicchio
‘Learn cooking skills in this hands on and demonstration class. Using fresh seasonal ingredients and garden produce, learn planning, preparation, safety and presentation skills. ACFE and NDIS eligible, contact the Program Coordinator. ACFE eligibility criteria applies, no ACFE refund on cancelled classes.
Wednesday 10.00am-12.30pm
Term 1: 5 Feb – 2 Apr (9 weeks)
Fees: Full $648, Concession $590, NDIS $713, ACFE $97
Term 2: 23 Apr – 2 Jun (11 weeks)
Fees: Full $793, Concession $721, NDIS $872, ACFE $97
Zero Waste Sustainable Food Systems
Tutor: TBC
Zero Waste is a course which aims to develop learners’ culinary skills and understanding of food production in the context sustainable food systems. We are empowering learners with the practical skills and knowledge needed for emerging resource challenges within our food system and how to navigate employment and education pathways in the sustainable food industry. Improved culinary ability is an indicator of better nutritional and mental health, saving money in the long run and creating stronger family and community connections. ACFE eligibility criteria applies, no ACFE refund on cancelled classes.
Thursdays Time & Dates TBC 2.5 hours per week
Preserving Seasonal Fruit
Learn methods, skills and use seasonal produce. Take home your work! Contact Span to register your interest and we shall contact you to let you know when the preserving of the season is ready to go ahead.
Dates, Time and Fees Various dates dependent upon materials and seasonal fruit.
Special Interest Cooking Classes
Span likes to offer classes for those of all ages, who wish to learn more about a particular cuisine or method. You could join a class, or arrange a class with your own friends and family. Contact Span with a suggestion.
Introduction to Horticulture
Students will learn planning, developing and implementing processes of a working garden. This course will build skills in horticulture for use in further study and the workplace. Contact Span to register your interest. ACFE eligibility criteria applies, no ACFE refund on cancelled classes.
Date TBC 2.5 hours x 9
Swap and Go Compost @ Span
Want to reduce landfill? No compost of your own. Drop your compost into our 24 hour collection point. Please call Span for further information.
Good Bugs Community Garden Group
No garden of your own? Would you like be able to share some fresh produce? Come and join the Span gardening team in Norma’s Thyme Garden, the community garden at Span. Wheelchair accessible, fun and supportive. You just need your skills, or want to develop skills.
Wednesdays 10.00am–12.30pm
Date: 15 January ongoing
Free: HACC-PYP & CHSP supported
Norma’s Thyme Garden
The community garden is an ever expanding project. We welcome volunteers and community to assist, share and learn in the garden. Bring your project ideas to contribute to the garden, our natural building projects, composting program and our sustainable activities. This will enable Span and the community to boost our gardens potential. Please contact Span with your interests and ideas for our garden.