Span Community House is delighted to have recently been selected by Sustainability Victoria to deliver a project as part of the Recycling Victoria Communities Fund. Thanks SV!
This funding enables us to deliver a 12 month project to improve and expand the types and number of items we divert from landfill for repair, reuse and recycling @ Span.
It also means we can partner with local legends Darebin Hard Rubbish Heroes (DHRH) and Transition Darebin (TD) to deliver a heap of workshops, markets and other events to upskill and connect our community around sustainable practices.
To kick start the project, we’d love to hear from you about what you would like to see as part of the project so we can make it the best it can be.
We’ll be announcing events very soon, including a Launch, an Upcyclers Makers Market and a Repair Cafe, all to come in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more on info, but if you want to pop Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th in your diary for the main events you won’t be disappointed!
We’re so excited to be getting back to life in the real world and to be bringing you this project to make our community ore sustainable!
More to come next week…
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