As we head into the last week of Term Two, I can’t believe we are half way through the year!
Have you achieved what you wanted to? Have you learn’t a new skill or signed up for that class you’ve been thinking about? Have you connected or reconnected with a neighbour or old friend? Have you tried that new receipe or eaten at that new restaurant?
So often we put off things as life gets busy and never actually get around to what makes us happy, keeps us healthy and stimulates us to grow both mentally & physically.
Well let Term Three @ Span be the change you want to see!
We have loads on offer; Art for All Abilities, Cooking for Healthly Minds and Bodies, Computers classes, Pilates, Gentle Exercise, Tai Chi and Creative Writing…….just to name a few.
Alternatively, if there is something of interest to you and we aren’t currently offering it, drop a comment below, mention it to the staff or shoot through an email to admin@spanhouse.org
We look forward to Term Three with excitement and hope to see some new enrolments coming through (**we offer a free trial which is a bonus too)
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