Community & Social

Free or low cost community activities held at Span to provide services and support for the community. To learn more, or if you’d like to make a suggestion for an activity, please contact Span.


Free Information Sessions

Span offer free information sessions for the community on a number of topics. Please contact us and register your interest. Topics covered: Advanced Care Planning, moving out of the family home, understanding the aged care system, wills – what you need to know before seeing your lawyer. If you have any suggestions for information sessions please speak to a staff member.

Carers High Tea

A special event for family carers to be treated to an afternoon of elegance. If you are a family carer looking for a little spoiling, socialising and connection with other community members, come along and indulge. Eligibility criteria apply.

Bookings essential on 9480 1364.

Date & Time Nov -TBA

Fee: Free HACC-PYP  supported

Community Lunch

Facilitator  Julie Tripichhio

A two course home cooked meal is shared with other friendly community members. Come along for company, conversation and support. A great opportunity to find out what’s available in your neighbourhood. Volunteer helpers welcome. Contact Span to RSVP for catering purposes.

Second Wednesday once a month 12.30pm–2.30pm

Dates: 12 Feb, 12 Mar, 9 Apr, 14 May, 11 Jun, 9 Jul, 13 Aug, 10 Sep, 8 Oct,                     12 Nov, 10 Dec

Fee: Free      

Norma’s Thyme Garden

The community garden is an ever expanding project. We welcome volunteers to assist, share and learn in the garden. Bring your project ideas to contribute to the garden, our natural building projects and our sustainable activities. This will enable Span and the community to boost our gardens potential. Please contact Span with your interests and ideas for our garden.

Good Bugs Community Garden Group

No garden of your own? Would you like be able to share some fresh produce? Come and join the Span gardening team in Norma’s Thyme Garden, the community garden at Span. Wheelchair accessible, fun and supportive. You just need your skills, or want to develop skills.

Wednesdays 10.00am–12.30pm

Date  January – ongoing

Fee: Free                                                                 


OM:NI (Older Men: New Ideas)

We all need friends, particularly as we get older. Span hosts a group for men aged 50+ who meet every fortnight to discuss what’s happening in their lives, current affairs and topics of whatever they choose. Attendance is casual so come along whenever you can. Please call Span to register your interest.

Alternating Mondays  10.00am–12.00pm

Date Commencing from January

Fee: Free 

Repair, Reuse, Recycle

Span will expand and introduce activities and programs to deliver more sustainable solutions for the local community. These activities will include workshops, information sharing, partnerships with other Darebin organisations, such as Darebin Hard Rubbish Heroes and Transition Darebin, to involve community members to repair, reuse and recycle. Span has an extensive community recycling system in place and we collect items to recycle. Check out our website for further information.

Computer Access and Space Sharing

Our computers, wifi and space are available during office hours, and when not in use for classes, for those who wish to work in a group setting, do some occasional work or practice their skills. Please phone to see if the computer is free.

Swap and Go Compost @ Span

Refer to Grow It, Cook It

Expression of Interest Form

Please indicate which course/s interest you in the message box

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