Span is thrilled to celebrate “Neighbourhood House Week 2022“
After the past few years we are now able to reflect on what we endured and come together to celebrate what we have!
We have an amazing local community that thrives on connection, embraces all things enviromental and sustainable, empowers all to speak freely and be heard. Our community displays compassion, we look out for each other, we create opportunity and love coming together to grow and learn.
To mark Neighbourhood House Week, Span will be hosting our free Community Lunch on Wednesday, 11th May commencing at 12.30pm.
We look forward to seeing the regulars, we would love to welcome any new comers and hope to reconnect that those we haven’t seen in a while. Feel free to bring a family member, friend or neighbour.
Please RSVP to Span on 9480 1364 or info@spanhouse.org for catering purposes.
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