If you have ever thought of becoming a Foster Carer, now might just be the time. Victoria is in desperate need to assist children & youth find a safe place to stay.
Anglicare hosts monthly information sessions for people interested in learning more about Foster Caring. Please refer to the flyer below.
Anglicare Victoria is Victoria’s largest provider of out of home care for vulnerable children and young people who are unable to live safely in their own homes. Foster carers come from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds.
Foster carers are volunteers from the community who undergo extensive screening, training and assessment in order to provide safe and nurturing homes to some of the state’s most vulnerable and at risk children and young people. The role foster carers play in providing positive and lasting impact in the lives of these children and young people is incredibly important and can really shape the pathway of a child or young person’s future.
When matching children and young people to foster carers, the preference is always to try and keep children and young people within their local areas so as to maintain schooling and other important community and social connections. However, there are always far more children and young people requiring placement than there are accredited foster carers available.
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