Yes, that’s right………SPAN Community House
@64 Clyde Street Thornbury will reopen next Tuesday!
With the long awaited for announcement from the Victorian State Government yesterday and some CoVID safe planning overnight, Span will resume activities next week.
Strict CoVID practises will be in place. QR codes to scan in on devices or a manual sign in sheet, sanitising stations throughout the building and cleaning caddies in each room is how we will now operate.
Unfortunately Span has had to “postpone” our Carers High Tea.
We hope to rebook this as soon as the capacity limitations are lifted. We will keep you posted on this.
We ask that if you feel unwell or display any of the CoVID symptoms, that you please stay home and get yourself CoVID tested. Together we can beat this.
Stay safe, stay well and we look forward to seeing you next week.
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