If you or anyone you know has symptoms, get tested straight away.  A list of testing sites can be found here https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/where-get-tested-covid-19

If people don’t know where to get tested or are unable to access the drive through testing , they can contact Your Community Health on the number below.

This Call-to-Test service is for people who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms and cannot leave home due to injury, mobility or other eligible reasons


 The Call-to-Test service is available to:  

  • people with an injury, chronic health issue, or frailty affecting mobility 
  • people with moderate to severe physical or psychosocial disability 
  • people with moderate to severe mental health or behavioural issues not otherwise classified as a psychosocial disability 
  • carers for a person with moderate to severe disability. 

You must be over five years of age to access this service. 

Close contacts without symptoms can use the Call-to-Test service if they have been told by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to get tested and meet any of the criteria listed above. 

Call the coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 675 398  and select option 9 to find out if you are eligible for this service.

Read about the Call-to-Test service in Easy English.

Exposure sites Regularly visit the government’s exposure site page for up to date information about locations and advice about self-isolation and testing.  https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/case-locations-and-outbreaks-covid-19?fbclid=IwAR1pndFDaQ7qCncSx_UrpbEsJ3MHJ8g3Mb6jYfjGEAS5njzhRp6B9-oZsf0

Can I get support to isolate?

  • If you and your family are in mandatory isolation, please call the Vic Coronavirus Hotline to test eligibility for financial supports and relief: 1800 675 398
  • If you live in City of Darebin you can also contact:

 Your Community Health, phone 8470 1111 (and ask for Community Connection and Support Team), Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm. City of Darebin phone 8470 8888 (select 3 and ask to speak to CASI)