Aiming for a combined environmental and social good with as much of this as possible, we’re working to find solutions for materials that bug or perplex us in our homes!
Think of things that can’t be put in your home recycling system, or things that technically can be recycled but have a higher value in being reused in some way.
For reuse and recycling, we will generally do this through collections on site and partnerships to manage the materials elsewhere.
In terms of repair, we will be working with others to create links, set up repair events or deliver workshops to upskill people to do their own repairs or help others in the community with this.
This is an evolving piece with us starting with some basics and working to add more and more options over time.
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Bring it to Span
The benefits of reusing or recycling them
- Batteries
Recycle – We take these to the Darebin Resource Recovery Centre for recycling through Council processes that reclaim valuable materials.
- Bread Tags
Reuse – We are now a central collection point for Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs who use these to generate funds for wheelchairs in South Africa. Counter top collection boxes can be ordered from ABTfW and collected from us by arrangement.
- Buckets
Reuse – We can reuse 5L and 10L buckets with lids in our food waste collections for our community composting program. Please contact us to discuss this.
- CDs / DVDs
Reuse – We use these for various waste from art classes / projects.
- Coffee Capsules
Recycle – We recycle, via Nespresso, aluminium coffee capsules. Coffee is removed from the capsules to be mixed with soil for landscaping or used in compost. Empty recycled aluminium capsules are sent back to the aluminium industry to produce new products.
- Cool Bags/Gel Packs
Reuse – We are collecting cool bags / gel packs from food deliveries for reuse by a local small business in their pet food deliveries. Please call to organise drop off of these items.
- Corks
Reuse – We are collecting these for the Reverse Art Truck so they can be used in various art and craft initiatives they support in the community.
- Egg Cartons
Reuse – We use these as carbon for our food waste composting system or pass them on to others in the community that request them for their own reuse. We will also donate to Reverse Art Truck as they need them for crafty good times too.
- Elastic Bands
Reuse – We collect these from the FareShare and the broader community and provide these for reuse locally. We are keen to explore more reuse options so if you have ideas, please let us know!
- E-Waste
Recycle – We take small, unuseable tech items such as phones, cables or tablets to the Darebin Resource Recovery Centre for recycling through Council processes that reclaim valuable materials from these items.
- Food Waste
Reuse – We use your food waste to create compost to improve the soil in our community garden. As we grow we hope to support other gardens. You can learn more on our composting webpage.
- Blister Packs
Reuse – We are collecting medical blister packs to be broken down in a series of mechanical processes to separate the aluminium from the foil to be used by end users.
- Light Globes
Recycle – We bring these to the Darebin Resource Recovery Centre for recycling through Council processes that reclaim valuable materials.
- Mobile Phones
- Pantry Food Items
Community Support – We provide these to people in our community that need help with food relief. Items we always need include rice, pasta, tinned tuna, tinned beans, tinned tomatoes, sauce jars / packets and crackers.
- Plastic Bottle Tops
Reuse – We collect bottle tops coded 2, 4 & 5 in partnership with the Rethink Recycling Co-op. Tops must be clean for everyones safety. To prevent mould, please rinse straight away or clean them in soapy water or in a laundry bag in the dishwasher.
- Towels / Bed Linen
Reuse – We are partnering with Team Jake to get these CLEAN materials out to pet rescue and other uses in the community. We can accept various pet paraphenlia as part of this collection as well. Please call to discuss if you have questions.
- Twisty Ties
Reuse – We are collecting these for the Reverse Art Truck so they can be used in various art and craft initiatives they support in the community.
- Working Tech
Reuse – We can pass on working phones, tablets or cords to various members of the community. Items must be clean, unbroken and have useful life left in them. Broken items can be diverted for recycling via e-waste.
- Plastic Containers, Keep Cups
Reuse – Project Pair Up. Donate your mismatching containers and lids and stop them going to land fill.
Community Partnerships & Links
Span is partnering and working with other local organisations active in the repair and reuse space to support them and connect the community in with their great work.
Our main Project Partners for the RRR Hub are Darebin Hard Rubbish Heroes (DHRH) and Transition Darebin and we are delighted to be working with these amazing people to jointly address sustainability issues in our community.
We will develop more relationships as we go, but if you see a way for Span to support work your involved in locally, please get in touch for a chat.