Good news for all you keen-bean recyclers out there…
As you may know we have been working on trying to solving the blister pack recycling conundrum and we now have some good news to share!
We’ve hunted high and low for a solution and are pleased to announce that we have struck a fantastic deal with a new local player in the market in Pharmacycle…
Seeing the value in what we have been doing in our RRR Hub project and learning from us about the need in the community, they have come up with a very special deal on processing and postage for us, so with a bit more of a push on our Plastic Free July fundraiser, we can blitz this for the next two weeks. Yay!
So, from Monday18th through to Sunday 31st July, we are opening up and taking your blister packs again!
Bring as many as you have and let your friends and family know, and if you can contribute a little to the recycling fund, please do.
You can pop some dollars in our piggy bank in Reception or please see here for more info on making a bank transfer.
We’re hoping to have more good news to share on an ongoing solution from Aug, so stay tuned, but in the meantime…
Come join us to be part of the solution!

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